Ikaruga Cat
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Scratch is a free, graphical programming environment from MIT. It teaches 8- to 16-year-olds programming by snapping code blocks together to form complete programs. By signing up for a free account, you can access your Scratch programs from any web browser. I wrote Scratch 3 Programming Playground, with many of these projects. You’ll learn to program by making cool games where players destroy asteroids, shoot hoops, and slice and dice fruit! Each game includes easy-to-follow instructions, review questions, and creative coding challenges to make the game your own. Want to add more levels or a cheat code? No problem, just write some code. |
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I've also created a free online course on Udemy that follows the first six projects from the Scratch Programming Playground. (This course covers Scratch 2, but will be updated in 2021. The code between Scratch 2 and Scratch 3 is nearly identical, and the course can still be used to learn Scratch programming.) |
Downloadable content zip file for Scratch Programming Playground
The downloads page has image files for the screencast tutorial projects.
(Downloadable content zip file for the older first edition of Scratch Programming Playground)
After being an instructor for the Saturday Morning Scratch Classes at the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment in Oakland, CA, Al Sweigart has compiled a handbook of tips for teachers and parents interested in using Scratch to lead an after school coding club:
Scratch Class Handbook PDF (version 3, updated 2020/10/07)
Scratch 3 Programming Playground teaches complete beginners how to program and make games in Scratch. If you'd like to receive a free print book, please fill out the form at https://goo.gl/forms/bp4yQxhZW9qmyL3w2. Please specify you want "Scratch Programming Playground". You'll receive a free ebook to read, and upon posting a review to Amazon, you'll receive a complementary print review copy of the book. (UPDATE: There's been a large amount of interest, and I can't guarantee you'll get a print book. However, I can definitely send you an ebook to review.)
To demonstrate that you will be able to write a review, please send me a link to an Amazon, Goodreads, or Powells review you have written before.
Please post an honest review. You will receive a print book no matter what your rating is. The only requirements are that the review be a minimum of 100 words, you must live within the United States (due to shipping costs), you must have purchased $50 off Amazon in the last year (Amazon has this requirement before you can write a review), and that you email me first before writing the review.
-Al Sweigart